中心博士后秦军、舒浩文与博士生沈碧涛与美国UCSB John Bowers教授课题组关于二阶非线性片上集成平台的文章“Second Order Nonlinear Photonic Integrated Platforms for Optical Signal Processing”最近发表在IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics(JSTQE)期刊上,文章综述了绝缘体上铌酸锂(LNOI)、绝缘体上砷化镓铝(AlGaAsOI)两种高效二阶非线性片上集成平台相关工作,仿真计算了二阶非线性效应用于非线性波长转换的转换效率等性能指标;结果表明,与目前的三阶非线性相比,利用二阶非线性可在更短的器件长度下实现相当甚至更大的转换效率,这表明目前的高效二阶非线性片上集成平台已经有潜力实现高性能的非线性信号处理。
摘要:Photonic integrated circuits have found a remarkable range of applications in both fundamental science and commercial products. The development of photonic integrated circuits that use highly efficiency nonlinear optical materials as optical waveguides opens opportunities to achieve low power, on chip optical signal processing. In this article, we discussed the latest developments of two state-of-the-art second order nonlinear optical waveguide platforms, namely lithium niobate on insulator and aluminum gallium arsenide on insulator. We also presented some new progress we made in device performance and system integration. The demonstrated ultra-efficient conversion in those platforms paves the way for high performance optical signal processing, bringing an essential functionality from bench-top level into photonic integrated circuits.