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中心与UCSB John Bowers教授课题合作文章在OSA期刊OE发表

中心与美国UCSB John Bowers教授课题组关于高Q值铝镓砷微环谐振腔文章“Ultrahigh-Q AlGaAs-on-insulator microresonators for integrated nonlinear photonics”最近发表在OSA 杂志Optics Express期刊上,文章共同第一作者为UCSB博士后谢卫强,常林和中心博士后舒浩文。文章展示了基于异质晶圆键合技术的绝缘体上铝镓砷高Q值微环谐振腔的最新成果。其中,基于MBE生长工艺的铝镓砷全刻蚀微环谐振腔实现了超高品质因数(3.52x106), 其光梳产生阈值低至~23uW(1THz)。该非线性平台同时实现了铝镓砷材料低损耗集成波导、高非线性系数,使之有望成为下一代集成非线性光学材料平台的有力竞争者。

摘要Aluminum gallium arsenide (AlGaAs) and related III-V semiconductors have excellent optoelectronic properties. They also possess strong material nonlinearity as well as high refractive indices. In view of these properties, AlGaAs is a promising candidate for integrated photonics, including both linear and nonlinear devices, passive and active devices, and associated applications. For integrated photonics low propagation loss is essential, particularly in nonlinear applications. However, achieving low-loss and high-confinement AlGaAs photonic integrated circuits poses a challenge. Here we show an effective reduction of surface-roughness-induced scattering loss in fully etched high-confinement AlGaAs-oninsulator nanowaveguides, by using a heterogeneous wafer-bonding approach and optimizing fabrication techniques. We demonstrate ultrahigh-quality AlGaAs microring resonators and realize quality factors up to 3.52×106 and finesses as high as 1.4×104 . We also show ultraefficient frequency comb generations in those resonators and achieve record-low threshold powers on the order of ~20 µW and ~120 µW for the resonators with 1 THz and 90 GHz freespectral ranges, respectively. Our result paves the way for the implementation of AlGaAs as a novel integrated material platform specifically for nonlinear photonics and opens a new window for chip-based efficiency-demanding practical applications.


In publish.
