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中心在关于集成光电子技术空间应用的综述文章在《中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学》 期刊发表

中心博士生陶源盛、韩昌灏、金明、博士后舒浩文等关于集成光电子技术在空间应用中研究进展的综述文章“面向空间应用的集成光电子技术”,最近发表在《中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学》期刊上。文章从介绍铟磷、硅、氮化硅、薄膜铌酸锂等目前主要的集成光学材料的特性出发,系统性地回顾了集成光电子技术在空间信息系统中的激光通信、微波光子、光学传感、自主导航与天文成像等多个应用方向的最新研究进展、技术瓶颈问题与发展思路。同时,对集成光电子器件在太空工作环境下的辐射效应和器件可靠性也进行了介绍。

摘要:Since the flourish of the space technology, microelectronic integrated circuits can no longer meet the urgent requirement of the space-based systems in terms of transmission capacity, communication speed and electromagnetic compatibility. The conventional space-based optoelectronic systems are now based on a bulk optical device, which have been seen to possess some fundamental restrictions as regards its size, weight, power and cost. Integrated photonics provides an ideal solution for the above bottlenecks that existed in current space-based systems, and this tends to be an emerging research focus in recent years. In this paper, we focused on the technology of integrated photonics for space applications. First, we briefly introduced the characteristic and the development of several main material platforms for integrated photonics, which are indium phosphide, silicon, and silicon nitride and thin-film lithium niobate. Then, we systematically reviewed the progress of the integrated photonics for various fields of space-based application: high-speed laser communication, microwave photonics, optical sensing, biological health, autonomous navigation and astronomy imaging. The recent breakthrough, which is related to the working principles and critical limitations of these space-based integrated photonics technologies, have been described in detail. Since its operation is utilized in practical space missions and satellites, the integrated photonics devices should therefore, undergo testing of harsh space environments, especially under exposure to different forms of ionizing radiation. Therefore, we also recommend that the radiation effects and reliability of the integrated photonics devices is based on different material platform. Finally, the main achievements which has been recorded in the space-based integrated photonics technology are summarized and the future prospects presented: (i) reducing the power consumption of the integrated photonics circuits; (ii) realizing the photonics chip package with high reliability; (iii) industrialization and low-cost fabrication for the optoelectronic integration.


