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祝贺白博文的工作发表在SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences期刊上

中心博士后白博文在硅基光子神经网络构架相关工作发表在了SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences期刊的AI-Photonics专题中。该工作得到了国家重点研发计划(2018YFB2201704)、国家自然科学基金(61635001, 61822508),北京市科委项目(Z19110004819006)的部分资助。


摘要: Brain-inspired photonic neural networks for artificial intelligence have attracted renewed interest. For many computational tasks, such as image recognition, speech processing and deep learning, photonic neural networks have the potential to increase the computing speed and energy efficiency on the orders of magnitude compared with digital electronics. Silicon Photonics, which combines the advantages of electronics and photonics, brings hope for the large-scale photonic neural network integration. This paper walks through the basic concept of artificial neural networks and focuses on the key devices which construct the silicon photonic neuromorphic systems. We review some recent important progress in silicon photonic neural networks, which include multilayer artificial neural networks and brain-like neuromorphic systems, for artificial intelligence. A prototype of silicon photonic artificial intelligence processor for ultra-fast neural network computing is also proposed. We hope this paper gives a detailed overview and a deeper understanding of this emerging field.


Bowen Bai, Haowen Shu, Xingjun Wang and Weiwen Zou, "Towards silicon photonic neural networks for artificial intelligence." SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences. 63, 160403 (2020)
