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祝贺沈碧涛同学工作发表在SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences期刊上

中心博士研究生沈碧涛在集成模分复用器设计方面相关工作发表在了SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences期刊的AI-Photonics专题中。该工作得到了国家自然科学基金(61635001, 61822508),国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流项目(61120106012),北京市科委项目(Z19110004819006)的部分资助。


摘要:The tapered asymmetric directional coupler has the potential to realize high fabrication tolerance and high transmission efficiency on-chip mode multiplexer. However, the geometry parameter selection of tapered structure remains empirical. In this paper, we propose a design method for the tapered structure based on genetic algorithm. Combined with the adjusted coupling equations and interpolation method, low-time-cost optimization can be realized. Three mode multiplexers (TE0&TE1, TE0&TE2 and TE0&TE5) are designed by our method. According to simulation results, the insertion loss of the designed devices is lower than 1.8 dB and the crosstalk is lower than −15 dB when the fabrication error is within required range (±10 nm for TE0&TE2 and TE0&TE5, and ±20 nm for TE0&TE1) in the bandwidth of 1.5–1.6 µm. In addition, the entire optimization process takes only 2 h for each device, which is around the time cost of a single 3D simulation.


Bitao Shen, Haowen Shu, Linjie Zhou, Xingjun Wang "A design method for high fabrication tolerance integrated optical mode multiplexer." SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences. 63, 160409 (2020)
