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祝贺中心舒浩文同学的工作被IEEE Photonics Technology Letters期刊接收

博士研究生舒浩文关于偏振复用高效调制的工作 “A Polarization Multiplexing Optical Circuit for Efficient Phase Tuning” 近期发表在IEEE Photonics Technology Letters期刊上,该工作得到了国家自然科学基金(61635001),国家自然科学基金重点国际合作研究项目(61120106012)的部分资助。 文章通信作者为王兴军教授和KU Leuven博士后研究员邓清中。文章提出了一种基于硅基石墨烯混合波导的高效相位调制器,在提升调制效率的同时,有效降低器件尺寸,且该硅基石墨烯调制器前道工艺与商用硅基光电子工艺完全兼容,有望改善传统SOI 平台的调制器性能。

摘要The high efficiency on-chip optical phase shifters are required in almost every photo-electronic integration systems. In this work, we present a novel silicon optical circuit for the efficient phase shifiting. A polarization multiplexing scheme is proposed to improve the effective phase tuning length. The circuit is fabricated and in depth analyzed, exhibiting a 3.57 times effective group optical length enhancement compared with the traditional design. Moreover, A thermal-tuning phase shift based on such polarization multiplexing structure was experimentally demonstrated. Within the size of 75 x 320 μm2, a 63.8% power saving for thermal phase shift was measured in the proposed circuit. With considerable efficiency, such circuit is expected to serve as a general underlying structure for the silicon based integrated phase tuning.


Shu, H., Deng, Q., Wang, X., Jin, M., Tao, Y., & Zhou, Z. (2019). A polarization multiplexing optical circuit for efficient phase tuning. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 31(19), 1549-1552.
