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Silicon-based sensing/2D material/nonlinear


In view of the latest development trend of silicon-based optoelectronic integration, new structures, transmission characteristics, polarization characteristics and electro-optical response characteristics of new materials such as silicon-based sensor/two-dimensional material/nonlinear are explored. We investigate integrated silicon-based sensor/two-dimensional material/nonlinear and other new devices with high performance and high efficiency.

Journal Papers

  1. Chang Lin; Xie Weiqiang; Shu Haowen; Wang Xingjun; John Bowers; Ultraefficient frequency comb generation in AlGaAs-on-insulator microresonators, Nature Communicnations, 2020.1, 11: 1331-1-1331-8.

  2. Tao, Yuansheng; Shu, Haowen; Jin, Ming; Wang, Xingjun ; Zhou, Linjie; Zou, Weiwen; Numerical investigation of the linearity of graphene-based silicon waveguide modulator , Optics Express, 2019, 27(6): 9013-9031.

  3. Shu Haowen; Su Zhaotang; Huang Le; Wu Zhennan; Wang Xingjun ; Zhang Zhiyong ; Zhou Zhiping; Significantly High Modulation Efficiency of Compact Graphene Modulator Based on Silicon Waveguide, Scientific Reports, 2018, 8: 0-991.

  4. Shu Haowen; Jin Ming; Tao Yuansheng; Wang Xingjun; Graphene-based silicon modulators, Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2019, 20(4): 458-471.

  5. Shu Haowen; Tao Yuansheng; Jin Ming; Wang Xingjun; Zhou Zhiping; A real-time tunable arbitrary power ratios graphene based power divider , Science China Information Sciences, 2018, 61(8): 0-080408.

Results of The Meeting

  1. Shu, Haowen, Tao Yuansheng, Xie Weiqiang, Wang Xingjun, John Bowers. Ultra-efficient RF photonics filter based on an AlGaAs-on-insulator integrated Kerr frequency comb source [C]//CLEO: Applications and Technology. Optical Society of America, 2020: SF1O. 2.

  2. Chang, Lin, Xie Weiqiang, Shu Haowen, Wang Xingjun, John Bowers. Ultra-efficient frequency comb generation in AlGaAs-on-insulator microresonators [C]//CLEO: Applications and Technology. Optical Society of America, 2020: Stu3H. 8.

  3. Qin, Jun, Shu Haowen, Chang Lin, Wang Xingjun, John Bowers. On-chip High-efficiency Channel-selective Wavelength Multicasting of PAM3/PAM4 Signals Using an AlGaAsOI Waveguide [C]//CLEO: Applications and Technology. Optical Society of America, 2020: SM4L. 6.

  4. Jin, Ming, Tang Shuijin, Shu Haowen, Wang Xingjun, Xiao Yunfeng. Single nanoparticle detection with CMOS-compatible heterodyne interferometry [C]//CLEO: Applications and Technology. Optical Society of America, 2020: SF2N. 7.

  5. Jin, Warren, Chang Lin, Xie Weiqiang, Wang Xingjun, John Bowers. Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in AlGaAs on Insulator Waveguides [C]//CLEO: Applications and Technology. Optical Society of America, 2020: SM4L. 7.

  6. Shu, Haowen, Qingzhong Deng, Ming Jin, Yuansheng Tao, Xingjun Wang, and Zhiping Zhou. "Efficient graphene phase modulator based on a polarization multiplexing optical circuit." In Optical Fiber Communication Conference, pp. W2A-9. Optical Society of America, 2019.

  7. Jin, Ming, Haowen Shu, Yuansheng Tao, Zhennan Wu, and Xingjun Wang. "Graphene based silicon microdisk modulator." In 2018 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), pp. 1-3. IEEE, 2018.

  8. Tao, Yuansheng, Haowen Shu, Zhennan Wu, Ming Jin, and Xingjun Wang. "Highly Linear Graphene Modulator Based on Silicon Waveguide for Integrated Microwave Photonics." In 2018 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), pp. 1-3. IEEE, 2018.


  1. 王兴军, 舒浩文, 金明. 一种人体温度测量装置 202010176418.3.

  2. 舒浩文,王兴军,陶源盛,金明. 一种宽谱光功率分束器及功率分配方法 201711485135.1.